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发布时间:2019-09-08 15:16 浏览次数:617    
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Melinda put down the pile of papers on the desk and confided to her colleagues: “I don’t think that new person in the Accounting Department is going to fit in. He does not seem to be very sociable.”

After a moment, her colleague, Tim asked why. It was the then Melinda explained that she had met the new man in Accounting downstairs near the water cooler and that she had said the usual greeting and he had merely answered “Hello” and walked off.

She went on to say that the following day, she had taken down some files to Accounting and had seen the new person and had smiled and said “Hello” again as she stopped by his desk. To her question “How’s everything?” he had responded “So-so.” Then he had looked back at his work.

I really had to work hard to try to get him talking. I thought he was shy at first but I don’t think so. He just didn’t want to talk. I’ve decided he’s rude or there’s something very wrong with his social skills.” Melinda commented to Tim.

Tim tried to be understanding. “That’s not the right way to treat someone who’s trying to help a new person. Do you think he’s really concentrating on doing a good job and making a good impression? Maybe he’s worried about his new job.”

Melinda considered this. “Well, even if that’s so, he should know how to end a conversation politely. Just walking or looking away isn’t acceptable. It gives the wrong message.”



1.Why was Melinda offended by the new person’s behavior?

2.What should the new person have done, even if he did not want to or have time to talk?

3.Comment on Tim’s conversation with Melinda. Is Tim giving the right message to his colleagues?

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