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paper 2

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Test for the Certificate of Advanced Career English

Module I Listening Tasks (40%)

Task 1 (10%)

Directions: In this task there are some key words taken from the sentences concerning How to Improve Your Interpersonal Skills. First, you should listen to the key words marked “a” through “k” in the following box. Then you should listen to the sentences and decide which key word(s) each sentence contains. After that, you should type the letter that represents the key word(s) in the corresponding blank. Each sentence will be spoken twice. The first one is done for you as an example:


You will hear: (Here are some suggestions for improving your social skills and getting closer to your colleagues. )


From what we hear we can decide that the words “social skills” are contained in the sentence. Therefore, the answer is “a”.


a. social skills   b. active listening   c. concern and sympathy   d. smile  e. appreciative  f. conflicts   g. communicate  h. work together   i. complain     j. humorous    k. perspectives


Example:   a 

1: _____    2: _____    3: _____    4: _____    5: _____

 6: _____    7: _____    8: _____    9: _____    10: _____


Task 2 (10%)

Directions: In this task there are ten recorded short conversations. For each conversation there is a statement. The conversations will be spoken twice. After hearing each conversation, you should decide if the statement is true or false and click on T for True and F for False. If you want to change your answer, just click on your new choice.



T  F  1. Mr. Smith will report the company’s sales for last year at the meeting.


T  F  2. Lilin has found a new job now.


T  F  3. John Brown successfully reserved a meeting room in a hotel.

T  F  4. They would like to establish a long-term business relationship.

T  F  5. Mr. Johnson will meet Mr. Smith at 2:00 this afternoon as scheduled.

T  F  6. Nancy feels upset about having to work overtime every day.

T  F  7. The woman enjoys the relationship with her colleagues.

T  F  8. The man is conducting a survey on the hotel’s services.

T  F  9. The seminar is about different cultures and etiquettes.

T  F  10. The company they are talking about has a history of 30 years.


Task 3 (10%)

Directions: In this task there are two recorded dialogues with some recorded questions. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) given on the computer screen, and then click on your choice. If you want to change your answer, just click on your new choice.


Dialogue 1   


Q1. What do we learn from the conversation?

A)     Mr. Li invites Mr. Brown to their sales promotion.

B)     Mr. Li has accepted Mr. Brown’s invitation.

C)     The two companies will become business partners.

D)     The secretary will ask Mr. Li for his decision.


Q2. When and where will the meeting be held?

    A) On May 30th at the Bluesky Electronics.

    B) On May 7th at the Goodluck Supermarket.

    C) On June 5th in Bridge Hotel.

    D) On June 9th in Mr. Brown’s company.


Dialogue 2


Q3: What are the two speakers talking about?

A) The chairperson for the meeting.        B) The agenda for the meeting.

C) The place of the meeting.              D) The attendees to the meeting.


Q4: What is the last topic for discussion on the agenda?

A)     The name of the project.

B)     The budget of the project.

C)     The team members of the project.

D)     The team leader of the project.


Q5: How long will the discussion of the topics take?

A)     About one hour.

B)     About 45 minutes.

C)     About half an hour.

D)     About 75 minutes.


Task 4 (10%)

Directions: In this task there is a short passage with five blanks. The passage will be spoken twice. During the second reading, there will be a pause after each blank. During the pause you should fill in the blank with what you hear.

A company's managers play an important role in ____1____ its ethical tone (道德标准). If managers behave as if the only thing that matters is ____2____, employees are likely to act in a like manner. It's vital for managers to play an active role in creating a ____3____ where employees are encouraged and rewarded for acting in an ethical manner. Managers must exhibit ethical decision making practices themselves. They have to remember that ____4____ is the first step in fostering a culture of ethical behavior in their companies. No matter what the ____5____ say or what they are told to do, if employees see managers behaving unethically, they will believe that the company wants them to act in a like manner.



Module II Reading Tasks (35%)

Task 1 (10%)  

Directions: In this task there is a passage with five questions or unfinished statements followed by four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should choose the correct answer and click on it. If you want to change your answer, just click on your new choice.



Employment Interview

In some way the employment interview is like a persuasive speech, for the applicant seeks to persuade the employer to employ him or her. A job applicant should find out certain types of information prior to the interview. First, the applicant should know what kind of job he wants and how that job relates to his career objective. It is important that the applicant be able to state his reasons for wishing to work for a particular company. Second, the applicant should seek as much information as possible concerning the company. The applicant should find out the location of the home and regional offices, the financial status of the company, plans for expansion, and company philosophy.

Having gathered enough information concerning the company, the applicant is ready for the interview. The interviewer’s first impression comes from the interviewee’s appearance. For most interviews, appropriate dress for men is a conservative (保守的) dark-colored suit with a long-sleeve white or light blue shirt. For women a conservative, tailored suit or dress is appropriate. Both men and women should have neat, conservative length of hair.

Although hairstyle and dress are matters of taste, many personnel directors judge interviewees from their appearance directly. For example, one recent college graduate, who felt himself qualified, was interviewed for a public relations job. However, the personnel manager considered this young man unsuitable for this particular position for his long hair, sloppy (不整洁) dress, and casual manner.


1. Before the interview, a job applicant should be clear about __________.

A) the relationship between his career objective and the job           

B) when and where the interview will take place

C) who will also take part in the interview     

D) the process of the interview


2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the information the applicant has to find out?

A) The company’s location.

B) The company’s financial status.

C) The company’s expansion plans.

D) The company’s history.


3. According to the passage, which of following statements is true?

  A) Before the interview, the applicant may neglect the company’s philosophy.

B) Before the interview, the applicant should be clear about what kind of job he wants.

C) In the interview, it’s most appropriate for the applicant to be dressed conservatively.

D) In the interview, it’s not suitable for the applicant to try to persuade the employer to employ him.


4. The most suitable dressing for men in a job interview is to wear __________.

A) a colorful shirt   

B) a sloppy dress

C) a pair of casual shoes

D) a dark-colored suit


5. From the example in the passage, we may conclude that __________.

A) self-confidence is the key point

B) first impression is vital

C) personal taste is essential

D) work experience is very important


Task 2 (10%) 

Directions: In this task there is a passage followed by an incomplete outline. You should read the passage carefully and fill in each blank with no more than three words.


Proper Care of Your Computer

Computers, like any other piece of electronic equipment, need special care and attention in order to perform properly and safely. Now let’s concentrate on some daily do’s and don’ts that any computer user should know.

Never spray your monitor screen with glass cleaner. Instead, clean the screen with a soft cloth lightly.

Computer components should be kept as dust-free as possible.

Never try to remove the cover on your computer to clean inside. Instead, take it to an authorized service technician for cleaning.

Clean your computer regularly. Use a clean damp cloth to clean the computer’s external casing.

Don’t eat or drink while using your computer. Small particles of food might fall on your computer and attract insects to feed on them. Liquids, when spilled on your computer, might destroy it.

Cover your computer when not in use. This will prevent dust from gathering in your computer.

When in doubt about how to clean your computer system, consult your user manual or technical support.


Do’s and Don’ts for Computer Care


1. Clean the computer screen with a _____1_____.

    2. Computer components should be kept _____2_____.

3. Cover the computer when you don’t use it.

4. _____3_____ user manual or technical support when in doubt.


    1. Don’t spray monitor screen with glass cleaner.

2. Don’t remove the cover and clean the _____4_____ by yourself.

3. Don’t _____5_____ while using the computer.



Task 3 (15%)

Directions: In this task there are five items concerning workplace English. Each item is followed by four statements marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the one that best describes it and click on your choice. If you want to change your answer, just click on your new choice.


1. Investment in different fields – 2008 (代码09)



A)     The investment in finance accounts for half of the total.

B)     Nearly a quarter of all the investment goes to real estate.

C)     The smallest proportion of investment is in the field of infrastructure.

D)     Commerce is the second largest investment field.


2. Outcome of a company’s survey on the question: “I feel happy with my manager.”  (代码09)



Marketing Department

Production Department

After-sales Department


Strongly Disagree










Neither Agree Nor Disagree










Don’t Know











A) The Marketing Department is the second largest department of the company.

B) Most of those who chose “Agree” are from the Production Department.

C) The most popular manager is in the Marketing Department.

D) Most of the employees of the After-sales Department are happy their manager. .


3. A memo



To: All Staff                              

From: Ray Bonner, HR Manager               

Date: 24th June                              

Re: Trial operation of the flex i time system        


According to our previous meeting, we are pleased to be able to confirm that the new flextime system (弹性上班制) will come into a trial operation period from 1st August to 30th Sept. The system applies to all staff. Please pay attention to these changes and make corresponding arrangement for your jobs. Suggestions and comments are welcome any time.



A) The memo is written to the HR manager.

B) The writer of the memo is Ray Bonner.

C) The memo is about the Summer Time working hours.

D) The new flextime will be put into operation on 24th June.


4. Instructions


Instructions for Use of Correction Fluid (涂改液)


How to use:

Use small amount on each letter with brush-tip.

Allow 8-10 seconds to dry.

Recap tightly after each use.

Possible problems:          What to do:

·Contact with clothing.  ·Advise professional dry cleaner to treat.

·Accidental spills.      ·Wipe up quickly. Do not use thinner (稀释剂).


·The contents can be harmful or fatal.



A) It takes some time for the correction fluid to dry after use.

B) If the correction fluid gets on the clothing, use thinner to clean it.

C) If the correction fluid spills accidentally, ask for professional advice.

D) The correction fluid is non-flammable and non-harmful.


5. An application letter (代码09)


Dear Sir or Madam,


I am writing to apply for the post of Client Service Executive. As you can see from the attached resume, I have been working for my current company in the After-sales Dept. for over two years. I am considering a career change with a new challenge for a few months and this seems like the perfect moment to make that move. I would like to draw your attention to my Master’s Degree in HR Management which I completed in 2006. Combined with by current MBA, I feel that I would be an asset to your company.


I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely,

Daniel Lewis


A) The applicant has received more than two Master’s degrees.

B) The applicant has more than two years’ work experience.

C) The applicant is seeking a job as an HR manager.

D) The applicant will surely be hired by the company.


Module III Writing Tasks (25%)

Task 1 (10%)

Directions: In this task there is a resume. You should fill in each blank in the application letter with no more than three words based on the information in the form.



Position Sought: Assistant Marketing Manager

Name: Li Wen

Age: 21

Marital Status: Single

Sex: Female

Birth Place: Guangzhou

Height: 164 cm

Address: Baiyun Road , Baiyun District, Guangzhou   510000

Tel: 13798986000

E-mail: wenny@sina.com


Sept, 2008—July, 2011: Linnan Vocational College, Majoring in Business Administration

Related Work Experience in and out of college

2009—Present: Secretary of the Student Union

Assisting the Student Union in its general goals; Currently training, coordinating and motivating student members; Conducting document management and activity arrangement.

July to Sept. 2010 (Summer Internship): Secretary for Liyuan Company

Scheduling meetings and appointments.


1. Awarded “first-class scholarship” in 2010

2. Awarded “Excellent Student Leader” in 2009


Computer Skills: Skilled in using Office 2008 and the Internet

English Skills: Having a good command of both spoken and written English


Will be provided upon request.


Application Letter

Dear Sir or Madam:

I would like to apply for the position of ____1____ in your company. I will be graduating from Linnan Vocational College with a diploma in ____2____ in July, 2011.

I am an out-going girl who takes active part in school activities. Last summer I conducted my internship as ____3____ in Liyuan Company. This experience improved my ability to work effectively. I have a good command of both computer skills and ____4____. I feel confident that my strong background in experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position.

I am available for an interview at your convenience and can be reached at ____5____, or by E-mail at wenny@sina.com.

                                                              Respectfully yours, 

                                                                       Li Wen


Task 2 (15%)  

Directions: In this task you are required to write a job description for the web designers with the information given below. You should write about 100 words.


工作名称: Web designers

工作责任: to create the look and feel of World Wide Web pages


l  plan a web site

l  collect the text documents and images

l  convert documents and images into a form in which they can be viewed


l  mastery of computer language

l  strong communications skills

l  to work well under the pressure of tight deadlines and changing demands



Web Designers












Module IV Specialized Tasks (20%)

Directions: In this module there are four subject areas named Business Administration, IT, Science and Engineering and Humanities. You should choose ONE of them and complete the tasks in it.


Click on the one subject area you choose.

Business Administration    IT    Science and Engineering    Humanities


Business Administration  (命题员代码01)

Task 1 (5%)

Directions: In this task there are ten English terms numbered 1 through 10 in Column A). You should match them with their Chinese equivalents marked A through J in Column B and type the corresponding letter in the right blank.




1. issuing bank

A. 专业信誉

2. lost deal

B. 非盈利机构

3. business ethics

C. 加班

4. incentive of responsibility

D. 失败交易

5. immediate goal

E. 行为规范

6. non-profit organization

F. 商业道德

7. work overtime

G. 责任奖励

8. professional credit

H. 开证行

9. tough questions

I. 当下目标

10. code of conduct

J. 难题


1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ 9. ____ 10. ____


Task 2 (15%)  

Directions: In this task there is a passage for you to translate into Chinese.


Coca-Cola decided to introduce New Code in 1984. After conducting blind taste-tests, Coke decided to change its formula (配方) because they believed that consumers preferred sweeter-tasting Pepsi. To support this decision, they surveyed several focus groups, who said that the company should not change its formula. Now Coke turned out to be a disaster with consumers and was a very expensive mistake.



IT  (命题员代码

Task 1 (5%)

Directions: In this task there are ten English terms numbered 1 through 10 in Column A). You should match them with their Chinese equivalents marked A through J in Column B and type the corresponding letter in the right blank.




1. internet protocol

A. 呼叫详细记录

2. data base

B. 浏览器    

3. local-area network   

C. 备份文件

4. domain name 

D. 电池反相器/电池变极器

5. call detail record

E. 局部网

6. browser 

F. 作业程序

7. battery inverter

G. 网际协议

8. backup file

H. 域名

9. joint operating procedure

I. 数据库

10. job program

J. 共同操作规程


1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ 9. ____ 10. ____



Task 2 (15%)  

Directions: In this task there is a passage for you to translate into Chinese.


Working online is about to get a lot more satisfying. Thanks to a new wave of internet-based technology, using online applications such as word processors or more complex tools will no longer be a slow and upsetting experience. “Ajax”, the package of technologies used to add elements to a Web page without having to reload (重新加载) the whole page, has been in browsers (浏览器) for years. “ Ajax ” is the source of some of the biggest recent advances in browser-based applications.



Science and Engineering  

Task 1 Identify Technical Terms (5%)

Directions: In this task there are ten English terms numbered 1 through 10 in Column A) You should match them with their Chinese equivalents marked A through J in Column B and type the corresponding letter in the right blank.




1. incoming quality control

A. 人工检验

2. junction isolation

B. 千米波

3. acoustic image

C. 发电机

4. ecological forecasting   

D. (接合点)绝缘

5. radiation power 

E. 声像

6. manual inspection

F. 红外线

7. aerial cable

G. 来料检验

8. dynamo

H. 辐射功率

9. kilometric waves

I. 生态预报

10. infrared ray

J. 天线电缆


1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ 9. ____ 10. ____



Task 2 (15%)  

Directions: In this task there is a passage for you to translate into Chinese.

    Sony Corp. is releasing a new safari (探险) game this week for its PlayStation 3 videogame console (游戏) that are different from the elements found in most popular videogames: it has no shooting, little action, no winning or losing, and not even an ending. There is no doubt that Sony is trying a new approach. Because it costs so much to develop games for today’s technically advanced consoles, videogame companies often stick to series of popular games or popular hits with familiar themes.



Task 1 (5%)

Directions: In this task there are ten English terms numbered 1 through 10 in Column A) You should match them with their Chinese equivalents marked A through J in Column B and type the corresponding letter in the right blank.




1. low-cost housing

A. 人力资源

2. labor market

B. 国际社会

3. economic forum

C. 耗时的

4. human resource

D. 经济论坛

5. international community

E. 自尊

6. risk investment

F. 劳动密集型的

7. overseas students

G. 经济房

8. labor-intensive

H. 风险投资

9. self-respect

I. 劳动力市场

10. time-consuming

J. 留学生


1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ 9. ____ 10. ____


Task 2 (15%)  

Directions: In this task there is a passage for you to translate into Chinese.

Check your financial information regularly, and look for what should be there and what shouldn’t. If you’re told that your statements are being mailed to another address that you haven’t authorized (授权), tell the financial institution or credit card representative immediately that you did not authorize the change of address and that someone may be improperly using your accounts (账户). If they will, review the application carefully when you receive it and make sure it’s going to a company or financial institution (机构) that’s well-known and reputable.


上一篇: paper 1 下一篇: paper3