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Test paper

Part I.  Oral Test

Part Structure(15 minutes)
Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.
Section A
Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A
, B),C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16.    this reason, try new things and don't be afraid to try on new personalities. 

A) For                           B) To

C) With                               D) Because

17. So you need to plan your time well      you don’t waste it.

A) if                                             B) because

C) so that                                     D) unless

18. With the career exploration       , it's time for you to select possible career paths.

   A) doing                                       B) done

C) to do                                         D) does

19. If the job      management responsibilities, refer to past activities      proof of your ability to get along      others and to work as part of a team.

A) involves; with; with                         B) involved; for; with

C) involved; for; to                                       D) involves; as; with

20. Determine the         Should the language be formal or informal?

A) words                                        B) wording

C) sentences                                       D) phrases

21. It is usually considered       to call a young lady ‘Madam’.

    A) offended                                      B) to offend

C) offending                                       D) offense

22. Office work is        , challenging, appealing and is         many changes.

       A) interested; undergoing                 B) interesting; undergone

C) interested; underwent                             D) interesting; undergoing

23. The next meeting planning step is to decide        the time and place.

   A) on                               B) with

C) to                                 D) /

24. Note these weaknesses could also _________________desirable qualities.

   A) are regarded as                                 B be regarded with

C) regard as                                            D) be regarded as

25.It's time to start        the career options        interest you the most.

      A) explore; /                                          B)explore; to

C) exploring; that                                   D) to explore; who

Section B
Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

26. It is generally ____________(believe) that we shall make full use of the sun's energy someday.

27. This bathroom is for the President's  _________ (exclusively) use.

28. Our college __________ (lie) at the foot of a beautiful mountain.

29. The Yellow River is _______ (know) as the Mother River of China.

30. The company is  ___________(comprise) of five departments.

31. It is _______ (desire) that we should provide for the poor.

32. There are many job opportunities _________ (relate) to my major.

33. The conference was         (host) by that committee.

34. It is           (custom) for the most important person to sit at the end of the table.

35. I am busy          (draft) a speech for the conference.

Part Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)
Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.

Task 1    
Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A
, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

In any society it needs child labor, children work. In societies that do not need it, the labor of children is strictly regulated or outlawed. In the modern industrialized nations of Western Europe, North America, Australia and Japan , child labor is not an economic necessity because there is an adequate supply of adult labor. In the underdeveloped and developing nations, where so much of the work is still agricultural and pre-industrial, children work because the labor of all hands is needed.

For the first several thousand years of human industry, when nearly all work was in either agriculture or handicrafts, the great mass of people lived in poverty. The more children in a family, the more hands there were to get the work done. Only the children of the wealthy and powerful avoided physical labor.

Early in the 19th century the Industrial Revolution began. For most of the century children worked in the mines, factories, and shops. They worked long hours uner very unhealthy conditions. The leaders of industry wanted children to work because they worked for lower wages than adults did, and there were not always enough adults available to fill all the jobs. But gradually, growing numbers of people came to realize the tragedy of these children’s lives, and child labor came to be viewed as unfavorable as slavery.

There was also no longer any real need for children to work at regular jobs. As society became increasingly industrialized in Europe and North America , there came to be more than an adequate supply of adult labor to fill the factories and mines at wages employers could afford to pay. This was particularly true in the larger citiies of the United States , where thousands of immigrants were arriving annually.

36. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage________.

    A) Any society needs child labor.

    B) In the newly-industrialized nations, the supply of adult labor is quite adequate.

    C) In the 19th century, adults worked long hours under very unhealthy conditions.

    D) Child labor is no longer an economic necessity in Australia .

37. in developing nations, children have to work mainly because __________.

    A) most of the work remains agricultural

    B) children work for low wages

    C) the wealthy and powerful don’t want to work

D) the labor of the children is not strictly outlawed

38. In early human history, people generally lived in poverty because _____

A) parents had to support too many children

B) all work was related to farming

C) children didn’t earn a living themselves

D) people nearly did everything with their hands

39. According to the passage, children worked in the mines, factories and shops _________.

A) in the early 20th century

B) before the Industrial Revolution

C) in the 19th century

D) in the pre-industrial period

40. We can learn form the last paragraph that  _________.

A) cities in the USA were receiving many foreign visitors

B) thousands of people from other countries moved to larger cities in North America every year.

C) employers in the larger cities of the USA could afford to hire enough adults to work for them.

D) factories and mines in America were full of immgrants from Europe .

Task 2
Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.

Conversation with Danes

     Cars are an important part of life in the United States . Without a car most people feel that they are poor. And even if a person is poor he doesn’t feel really poor when he has a c44ar.

     There are three main reasons the car became so popular in the United States . First of all, the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it. The car provides the most comfortable and cheapest form of transportation. With a car people can go any place without spending a lot of money.

The second reason why cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really develop an efficient and inexpensive form of public transportation. Long-distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world. Nowadays there is a good system of air service provided by plane. But it is too expensive to be used frequently.

The third reason is the most important one, though. The American spirit of independence is what really made cars popular. Americans don’t like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a plane. They don’t like to have to follow an exact schedule. A car gives them the freedom to schedule their own time. And this is the freedom that Americans want most to have.

41. From the first paragraph we know that in the United States , the car __________.

    A) proves to be most useful

    B) controls man’s life

    C) seems to be the symbol of wealth

    D) makes life easier

42. From the second paragraph we can conclude that __________.

    A) Americans are fond of traveling

    B) Americans don’t have enough money for travel

    C) Americans often look for jobs elsewhere

D) Americans hate living in just one place

43. The third paragraph implies, but doesn’t directly state, that ___________.

    A) long-distance trains in the United States are the same as they are elsewhere in the world.

B) there are few long-distance trains available in the United States   

C) long-distance trains are not necessary in the United States

D) Americans prefer to travel by plane rather than by long-distance trains

44. From the last paragraph we can see that  __________.

    A) Americans have to follow an exact schedule

    B) Americans prefer the bus to wait for them

    C) Americans encourage public transportation

D) Americans like to arrange their own time

45. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? _________.

A) Travel in America

B) Cars and Americans

C) World Transportation   

D) American Spirit


Task 3
Directions: The following is a resume. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline below it
No. 46 through No. 50. You should write your answers briefly in no more than 3 words on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.

Declining (婉拒) Invitations

Most people hate to say “no”, but not as much as other people hate to hear it. Therefore, your challenge in declining invitations is to get yourself out of the situation while maintaining (维持) the relationship.  

To do so, state your understanding of the situation or need. Often people assume that your “no” means that you do not thoroughly understand the real situation or need. You have to take care to demonstrate the readers that you do have an appreciation of the situation.

At first step, agree that the need is real or the cause is worthwhile.

“The meeting certainly deserves of support and attention.”

 Add your reason for a negative (否定的) response if you wish. Giving a reason makes your decision sound more thoughtful.

My schedule has just become too full.”

  And by all means, end with a goodwill statement about the positive outcome for the event, occasion, situation, or cause.

  “I hope you will be extremely successful with such an event.”

  “The party sounds like a wonderful idea. I’m sorry I will have to miss it.”

   Saying “no” does not have to mean the end of the relationship.

  The challenge in declining an invitation lies in how to maintain __46___________.

In declining an invitation, you should express your  __47________ of the situation.

It’s desirable to give a reason for your negative response because it makes your decision ______48______________________.

Saying “no” does not have to mean the   49   of the relationship

And always end with ______50____________ about the positive outcome the event.

Task 4
Directions: The following is a list of terms about the press. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to
(与相同的) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should find out the corresponding letters in brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 to 55.
A ____
extra curriculum activities            B ____ feel the same way           
C ____ spare time                              D ____ solve problems              E ____ active attitude                           F ___
a short introduction       

G ____ professional experience             H ____ mutual understanding             I  ____ labor market                          J  ____ set goals

K ____ action plan                          L ____ a job interview         

M ____ market price                       N ____ mutual understanding                   
O ____ countdown                        P ____ a business invitation letter

Q ____ a field visit                         R ____ keep an appointment with                Examples: A)课外活动          G 空余时间
   专业经验                       劳动力市场

52.    倒计时                       守约
   互相理解                       行动计划
   感受相同                     积极的态度
   现场参观                   求职面试

Task 5
Directions: The following is an argument. After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions
No. 56 through No. 60 that followed. The answers in no more than 3 words should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.

The Secrets of a Great Handshake

     It's something most of us do often. We shake hands with long-time friends, with acquaintances (熟人) and with strangers. In much of the world, the handshake is a part of the first impression that we make. Here are the secrets to a great handshake impression.

1. Start with eye contact and a smile.

A great handshake isn't just about a physical gesture; it is about connecting with the other person and conveying (传达) your pleasure to the other person. The best way to do that is with your face and your eyes.

2. Make a full handshake.

     Keep your hand open and make sure your handshake will be a hand shake, not a finger or palm (手掌) shake. That means your thumb (拇指) and palm should be tightly             interlocked (互锁) with the other’s. This allows you to truly have a full handshake.

3. Firm, not strong.

 Good handshake is firm but not overpowering (力气过大). A firm handshake shows your self-confidence, but too much strength makes the other person feel oppressed (压迫). Always make your grip firm, but make adjustments based on the firmness of the other person's grip.

4. Up and down, not back and forth.

  A good handshake has a nice up and down motion (动作), not a back and forth one, as if you were trying to saw some wood together. Again, adjust the motion to what seems natural and comfortable to the other person.

5. Adjust time.

  Some people prefer a long handshake; others prefer it much shorter. observe the other person and adjust the time to the situation, how well you know the person, and what seems comfortable to them.

6. Consider your left hand.

  While it may not be suitable in some cultures, I often use my other hand to grasp (抓住) the other side of the person's hand or to touch his arm. This gesture makes the handshake warmer and more personal.

56. How should you show your pleasure when handshaking



57. What handshake should you make?



58. What handshake shows your self-confidence?


59. From this passage, what does a weak handshake show?


60. What motion does a good handshake have?


Part Translation — English into Chinese(25 minutes)
Directions: This part, numbered 61 through 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. After each of the sentences numbered 61 to 64, you will read four choices of suggested translation. You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. And for the paragraph numbered 65, write your translation in the corresponding space on the Translation / Composition Sheet.

61. Chances are that man will eventually land on Mars.

A) 机会是人类最终会登上火星。

B) 人类有可能最终登陆火星。

C) 人类有机会登上火星。

D) 人类有很多机会登陆火星。

62. Though he is young, he has rich work experience.

A) 他好像很年轻,而且有丰富的工作经验。

B) 他不仅年轻,而且还有丰富的工作经验。

C) 他虽然年轻,但是有很有钱的工作经历。

D) 他虽然年轻,但工作经验丰富。

63. With all the compositions collected, the teacher sent all the students home.

A) 作文收齐之后,老师就让学生回家了。

B) 所有的作文被收集后,老师就让所有的学生回家了。

C) 收集完所有的作曲后,老师就让学生们都回家了。

D) 收齐所有的作文后,老师把所有学生都送回家了。

64. He wants to be a software engineer rather than a software developer.

A) 他想当软件发展者,而不是软件工程师。

B) 他既想当软件工程师又想当软件开发员。

C) 比起软件开发员,他更想当软件工程师。

D) 他想当一名软件工程师,而不是软件开发员。

65. A good interpersonal relationship is the basis of either personal or corporate success on many occasions. Receiving guests or visitors provides a good chance for bettering mutual understanding and building good relations. The following are the basics in receiving foreign guests.





Part Writing (25 minutes)
Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter to establish business relations with a company according to the following information in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Sheet.
请你以China Office Equipment Imp.&Exp. Co. Ltd 公司的经理Mr. Wang

的身份给某家公司的经理Mr. Smith写一封信。邀请他来参加你们公司的新产品发布(new product launch)会。地点是Conference Centre, Garden Hotel, Guangzhou,时间是20111212号下午2点。写信日期为2011年121日。









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