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Test for the Certificate of Advanced Career English

Module I Listening Tasks (40%)

Task 1 (10%) (命题员代码3)

Directions: In this task there are some key words taken from the sentences concerning How to Handle Work Stress. First, you should listen to the key words marked “a” through “k” in the following box. Then you should listen to the sentences and decide which key word(s) each sentence contains. After that, you should type the letter that represents the key word(s) in the corresponding blank. Each sentence will be spoken twice. The first one is done for you as an example:


You will hear: (Here are some suggestions that may help you reduce your work stress.


From what we hear we can decide that the words “work stress” are contained in the sentence. Therefore, the answer is “a”.


a. work stress  b. unrealistic goals   c. well-balanced diet   d. co-operation   e. concerns and worries  f. get involved  g. physical exercise  h. peaceful music  i. positive attitude   

j. bring relief  k. time management


Example:   a 

No. 1: _____  No. 2: _____  No. 3: _____   No. 4: _____   No. 5: _____

No. 6: _____  No. 7: _____  No. 8: _____   No. 9: _____   No. 10: _____




1. d  2. k  3. g  4. e  5. b  6. c  7. f  8. j  9. h  10. i


Task 2 (10%)

Directions: In this task there are ten recorded short conversations. For each conversation there is a statement. The conversations will be spoken twice. After hearing each conversation, you should decide if the statement is true or false and click on T for True and F for False. If you want to change your answer, just click on your new choice.



T  F  1. The man is suffering from a disease.

T  F  2. The man will help the woman reduce her workload.

T  F  3. They don’t need to dress in business attire on Fridays.

T  F  4. Mary has a lot of work to do today.

T  F  5. Lily is going to a budget meeting in the morning.

T  F  6. The woman has no work experience.

T  F  7. There’s no deadline for handing in the report.

T  F  8. Tom’s ideal job is to be a computer programmer.

T  F  9. The man wants to see a doctor for his back and neck aches.

T  F  10. The woman will go to see the dentist next Monday evening.


Task 3 (10%)

Directions: In this task there are two recorded dialogues with some recorded questions. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) given on the computer screen, and then click on your choice. If you want to change your answer, just click on your new choice.


Dialogue 1 


Q1. What kind of hotel room does Mr. Green want?

   A) A quiet room with a balcony.

    B) A double room with a balcony.

    C) A single room without a balcony.

    D) A big room with a balcony.


Q2. How long will Mr. Green stay in Guangzhou ?

    A) From Thursday to Tuesday.

    B) From Tuesday to Friday.

    C) From Tuesday to Saturday.

    D) From Friday to next Tuesday.


Dialogue 2


Q3: What is the man’s major?

A) Career planning.             B) Accounting.

C) Tourism.                   D) Management.


Q4: What does the man plan to do after graduation?

A)     Accountant in a department store.

B)     Manager in a department store. 

C)     Professional agent for a local travel agency.

D)     Tour guide.


Q5: How long did the man work with the local travel agency?

A)     Three months.

B)     Four months.

C)     Six months.

D)     Twelve months.


Task 4 (10%)

Directions: In this task there is a short passage with five blanks. The passage will be spoken twice. During the second reading, there will be a pause after each blank. During the pause you should fill in the blank with what you hear.

   Regardless of why you left your previous job, remember not to speak badly about your     1   . The interviewers might wonder if you will speak badly about their company next time when you look for another job. I once interviewed a man who told me that his last boss was terrible, the company was   2____, the work hours were awfully long and he could not see any hope of     3      in the company. Incidentally, the company he mentioned happened to be my company’s biggest and most important customer. Therefore, it’s impossible for me to hire someone feeling so bad about our     4     . So, when you are faced with the question of “why did you leave”, be careful, otherwise, you might lose    5  

of getting the job.


Module II Reading Tasks (30%)

Task 1 (10%)  

Directions: In this task there is a passage with five questions or unfinished statements followed by four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should choose the correct answer and click on it. If you want to change your answer, just click on your new choice.


Negotiating a Raise

If you want a raise, start by being prepared. Gather your salary survey information, recent performance appraisals of the job you’re doing, and any other relevant information. Be aware of company policy regarding salary.

Have a clear idea of what you want. Determine the salary range you’re looking for and justification for the increase and have both ready to review (审查) with your supervisor. Be flexible. Would you consider an extra couple of weeks’ vacation instead of a raise? I know someone who has regularly taken time-off instead of money and now has six vacation weeks a year. Then, ask your supervisor for a meeting to discuss salary. Present your request, supported by documentation, calmly and reasonably. Don’t ask for an immediate answer. Your boss is mostly likely going to have to discuss it with Human Resources and/or other company managers.

Despite your best efforts, there may simply not be enough money in the budget to increase your salary. The company may also not want to create unfairness by paying one person more than others in a similar position. In that case, you can at least know you tried. Plus, if this is a job you really think that you’re going to love, consider whether the company culture, the benefits, and the job itself are worth it - regardless of the salary.


1. Before negotiating a raise, you should gather the following things EXCEPT __________.

A) salary survey information

B) recent performance appraisals

C) company policy on salary

D) company policy on promotion


2. The underlined word “both” in Paragraph 2 refers to __________.

A) the salary range and justification for the increase

B) a clear idea of what you want and flexibility on raise

C) extra paid vacation and a pay raise

D) salary survey information and company policy



3. Your negotiation may not be successful because __________.

A) your performance is not good enough

B) the company wants to ensure fairness

C) your salary is very high already

D) your reason for a raise is not justified


4. Instead of a raise in salary, you can consider __________.

A) a promotion

B) a better office

C) a better job

D) an extra vacation


5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A) You should stick to your request when asking for a raise.

B) You should talk to the Human Resources manager for a raise.   

C) You should think whether it is fair for you to get a raise.

D) You should consider your career in the long run.


Task 2 (10%) 

Directions: In this task there is a passage followed by an incomplete outline. You should read the passage carefully and fill in each blank with no more than three words.


Top Tips for Safe Internet Shopping

How can you ensure you are shopping safely? Brad Bagherian, Managing Director, at Elaborations Ltd, a web design company in Amersham, has put together the following tips for safe surfing:

1. Take your time. Take your time when purchasing online since high pressure sales tactics, just like in the real world, often indicate possible frauds (欺诈). Ensure the site is easy to use, designed well and looks professional. If you are in doubt, stop the transaction (交易).

2. Look for contact details. You may think all online shops will have their contact details on their website. You might be surprised to find that some do not provide their details, no email address and no phone number. This is a sure red flag.

3. Consider all costs before purchasing. Shop around and compare prices before buying. When you calculate the cost of a product make sure that you take into account the delivery charge and the VAT (增值税) - these are often not included in the overall price.

4. Check delivery options. Find out when they will be delivering and whether you can choose the delivery date and time. Make sure the address you provide for delivery will have someone available who can sign for the package when it arrives.


Top Tips for Safe Internet Shopping

Remember the following tips when shopping online:

1. Take ____1____ and stop the transaction if you are ____2____ ;

  2. Make sure all online shops have their contact details on their ____3____;

  3. Take ____4____ into consideration before buying;

  4. Check delivery options and ensure the ____5____ you provide for delivery has no problem. .



Task 3 (15%)

Directions: In this task there are five items concerning workplace English. Each item is followed by four statements marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the one that best describes it and click on your choice. If you want to change your answer, just click on your new choice.


1. Changes in the export sales of two companies---GAR and FEO  (11)


A)     GAR company’s export sales grew steadily from 2008 to 2010.

B)     GAR company’s export sales increased to 35 million in 2009.

C)     FEO company’s export sales dropped to 40 million in 2010.

D)     FEO company’s export sales rose by 50% in 2009.


2. Flight schedule (11)



A) The flight schedule shows four flights from Edinburgh to London on March 29th.

B) The flight schedule shows IT 7226 and IT 7218 will fly on Wednesday, March 30th.

C) Flight IT 7222 will depart from London at 08:00 and arrive in Edinburgh at 09:20.

D) Flight IT 7226 will depart from London at 11:40 and arrive in Edinburgh at 13:00.


3. A notice (11)




All staff are requested to note that the New Year Party to be held at the Garden Hotel on Jan. 1st , 2009 at 8:00 p.m. has been postponed because of the bad weather. Please keep close attention to further notice about the new schedule.


General Manager’s Office

December 31, 2008


A) The notice is about the cancellation of a meeting to be held on Jan.1st.

B) The notice is issued by the General Manager’s Office on Dec. 31st , 2008.

C) The postponement of the party is due to the General Manager’s tight schedule.

D) The New Year Party has been canceled because of the bad weather.


4. Instructions for evacuation (疏散) from the subway train in an emergency (11)



A) Passengers should evacuate according to the instructions from the crew.

B) Passengers should pull the emergency brake to stop the train for evacuation.

C) Passengers should stay inside the train throughout an emergency.

D) Passengers should exit by themselves in case of an emergency.


5. A letter (11)


December 20th, 2003

Dear Sirs/Madams:

We are happy to inform you---our clients and business partners that owing to the steady growth of our firm in the past years and in view of expanding business, we have decided to move our office to Room 303, New Century Building  at Ren Min Road where we shall be in operation from January 1st , 2004 and where we shall be pleased to receive our clients and friends. The business hitherto (迄今) carried on in the name of J. & B.  Co. will then be continued under the name of Jack & Black Company, Limited.


Yours faithfully,

                                                                          Li Jie



A) The letter is to inform the company staff of the move of office to a new address.

B) The letter is written by Li Jie, the manager, on January 1st, 2004.

C) The company’s new name is Jack & Black Company, Limited.

D) The company’s original office is Room 303 of New Century Building.


Module III Writing Tasks (25%)

Task 1 (10%)

Directions: In this task there is a description of the bar chart entitled Product Sales Volume. You should fill in each blank in the description with no more than three words based on the information in the bar chart.


Product Sales Volume





According to the bar chart, the sales volume of the tablecloth, chairs and tables in March and ____1____ makes not much difference, with only a slight increase in April. But compared with the first two months, the sales volume of the same products in ____2____ has doubled from about 300 sets, ____3____ sets and 100 sets to 600 sets, ____4____ sets and 200 sets.

After interviewing the manager of the Sales Department, we found out the reason for the big differences. It is because of the sales promotion campaign that they are able to double the sales volume. They improved the packaging, displayed products at trade fairs, delivered promotional flyers and made Internet advertisements. So we can conclude that the ____5____ plays an important role in product sales.



Task 2 (15%)  

Directions: In this task you are required to write a meeting notice with the information given below. You should write about 100 words.


发通知部门:College Administration Office


通知主题:Annual Report and New Year Prospect

乘车时间:2011.1.12, 1:00 p.m., Wednesday

乘车地点:in front of the Office Building

开会时间:2011.1.13, 9:00 a.m., Thursday

会议地点:Conference Hall, Zhongshan City

参会人员:the chief of each department

准备内容:annual work report and plans for the New Year


Meeting Notice










Module IV Specialized Tasks (20%)

Directions: In this module there are four subject areas named Business Administration, IT, Science and Engineering and Humanities. You should choose ONE of them and complete the tasks in it.


Click on the one subject area you choose.

Business Administration    IT    Science and Engineering    Humanities


Business Administration  


Task 1 (5%)

Directions: In this task there are ten English terms numbered 1 through 10 in Column A). You should match them with their Chinese equivalents marked A through J in Column B and type the corresponding letter in the right blank.




1. joint venture

A. 机构框架

2. on-line order

B. 市场调查问卷

3. company structure

C. 资产评估

4. institution framework

D. 在线订购

5. quality control

E. 经营方针

6. management principle

F. 公司结构

7. work efficiency

G. 质量控制

8. asset assessment

H. 就业许可证

9. work permit

I. 合资企业

10. market research questionnaire

J. 工作效率


1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ 9. ____ 10. ____



Task 2 (15%)  (01)

Directions: In this task there is a passage for you to translate into Chinese.


Writing a business plan is your next and most important step, this is how you and others will evaluate your business. A key element within the business plan is the marketing plan, which explains marketing strategies that will be used to advertise and promote the products or services. The goal setting steps of the plan will help you to analyze the success of the business in future years and clearly illustrate the capital needed to operate the company to break even.



Task 1 (5%)

Directions: In this task there are ten English terms numbered 1 through 10 in Column A). You should match them with their Chinese equivalents marked A through J in Column B and type the corresponding letter in the right blank.




1. access time

A. 域代码

2. bar code reader

B. 文件压缩

3. bandwidth

C. 存取时间

4. domain code

D. 格式化

5. floppy disk

E. 混合网络

6. file compression 

F. 条形码读卡器

7. formatting

G. 互联网终端

8. host computer

H. 带宽

9. hybrid network

I. 主机

10. internet terminal

J. 软盘


1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ 9. ____ 10. ____



Task 2 (15%)  

Directions: In this task there is a passage for you to translate into Chinese.

Windows encourages consistency (一贯) among applications (应用程序), making it easier for you to use a variety of programs in your work. Applications written specifically for the Windows environment have a great deal in common, because they all use standard Windows drop-down menu (下拉菜单) and dialog box formats. When you learn to use one Windows program, you’re well on your way toward knowing how to use any Windows programs. Windows is a system that makes your computer easier to use, allowing you to get the maximum value from your hardware and software investment.



Science and Engineering  

Task 1 Identify Technical Terms (5%)

Directions: In this task there are ten English terms numbered 1 through 10 in Column A). You should match them with their Chinese equivalents marked A through J in Column B and type the corresponding letter in the right blank.




1. magnetic field

A. 微型电路

2. manual editing

B. 材料科学

3. auto engineering

C. 建筑工地

4. microcircuit

D. 手动编辑

5. material science

E. 固液分离

6. construction site

F. 磁场

7. impact damper

G. 自动控制

8. solid-liquid separation 

H. 澄清过滤器

9. clarifying filter 

I. 缓冲器

10. auto control

J. 汽车工程


1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ 9. ____ 10. ____



Task 2 (15%)  

Directions: In this task there is a passage for you to translate into Chinese.


Take care of your batteries properly (电池)

l  Do not mix old and new batteries, or batteries of different types.

l  If you will not use this control unit for a long period of time, remove the batteries and store them in a cool, dark place.

l  If a battery leaks, remove all the batteries and dispose of (处理) them properly.

l  If the leaking electrolyte (电解质) comes into contact with skin or clothes, clean with water immediately.

l  Keep batteries out of reach of children.




Task 1 (5%)

Directions: In this task there are ten English terms numbered 1 through 10 in Column A) You should match them with their Chinese equivalents marked A through J in Column B and type the corresponding letter in the right blank.




1. go hiking

A. 退房时间

2. workforce

B. 预订处

3. task-oriented

C. 大众传媒

4. natural splendor

D. 校友会

5. check-out time 

E. 环保

6. environment pollution

F. 徒步旅行

7. neglect of duty

G. 以工作为导向的

8. alumni association

H. 自然景观

9. mass media

I. 全体员工

10. reservation desk 

J. 玩忽职守


1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____ 6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ 9. ____ 10. ____


Task 2 (15%)  

Directions: In this task there is a passage for you to translate into Chinese.

Fair or not, appearance counts. People draw all kinds of conclusions from the way you present yourself. So don’t come to work poorly groomed (打扮) or in inappropriate attire. Be honest, use proper grammar and avoid slang and expletives (粗话). You want to exhibit an image of competence, character and commitment. Meanwhile, not being a team player is another fatal poison in the office. No one feel comfortable around a self-important person.


上一篇: paper 2 下一篇: testA